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When Dreams, Wishes, and the Universe Have a Chat use this Law of Attraction Prayer

Updated: Jan 26

You ever lie on your back, looking at the stars, and just... wonder? Do our dreams simply float away or do they mingle with the cosmos? That's where this idea of the Law of Attraction prayer (let's call it LOA, shall we?) comes in. And get this, our good old-fashioned prayers might be the game-changer.

When You Dream use this Law of Attraction
Explaining the power of the Law of attraction

1. LOA: It's Like Cosmic Gossip

Ever felt like your mood kinda sets the tone for the day? Spill your morning coffee and the whole day feels off? That’s the gist of LOA. It's like whispering secrets or sharing gossip with the Universe. And if you're genuine, it might just spread the good word.

2. Those Midnight Heart-to-Hearts with the Stars

Remember those quiet moments, maybe after a long day or a heartbreak, when you just spoke to the skies? That's what prayers are, isn't it? Chatting with the Universe. Combine that with LOA, and it's like adding some extra sugar to your late-night cocoa.

3. Spicing Up Your LOA Chats

a) Starting with a Hey and Thanks: Imagine bumping into an old friend. You'd start with a thank you or a memory, right? That's how your chats with the Universe should begin.

Example: "Hey there, Universe. Thanks for that unexpected parking spot today."

b) Clear Conversations: Be specific, just like you'd tell your best friend exactly what you want from the diner.

Example: "I'm not just looking for a job, Universe. I want something where I can use my love for writing."

c) Feeling It: Remember getting butterflies thinking of your first date? Channel that excitement into your chat.

Example: "I can already feel the sun on my face on that dream vacation."

d) A Gentle Nudge: Like leaving a post-it for a roommate, telling them, "I know you'll take care of it."

Example: "Universe, I know you're hearing me out. Let's make some magic."

4. Making Those Chats Extra Cozy

Sprinkle a little special sauce on your conversation moments.

Your Corner: Be it the old porch swing or that quiet rooftop, pick your cozy chat spot.

The Perfect Hour: Those quiet early mornings or just after the evening lights dim? Find what feels magical to you.

Little Touches: That old jazz record or the candle with your favorite scent can set the mood.

5. Patience, Grasshopper

The Universe might be running on its own watch, different from that fast-paced clock on our wall. So, if things seem to take their time, grab a coffee, and relax. Keep pouring your heart out and be on the lookout for the Universe's little signs.

6. The Subtle Winks from the Cosmos

Now, sometimes, the Universe doesn’t drop a full-blown signboard pointing to your next step. More often, it’s those little winks and nudges. Like that old song on the radio, just when you were thinking of someone, or a sudden rainbow on a gloomy day. These tiny moments? They're the Universe saying, "Hey, I got your memo."

7. The Power of Consistent Chats

Remember how, with old friends, it's the consistent catch-ups that keep the bond strong? The same goes for your Universe chats. It's not about bombarding the skies with requests but more about regular, heartfelt conversations. Letting the Universe in on your highs, lows, hopes, and dreams, the same way you'd update a close buddy.

8. The Cosmic Playlists

Music has this unique way of connecting souls, and maybe it can connect us to the Universe too. Next time you have that heart-to-heart, why not have a background track? Whether it's soft instrumental, nature sounds, or that rock song that gets your spirit soaring, let it amplify your conversation. It's like adding a soundtrack to your life's movie, where you and the Universe are the main characters.

9. Sharing the Cosmic Gossip

Just like we share exciting news or secrets with friends, why not spread the word about LOA and our little Universe chats? Whether it's a casual chat over coffee or a deep dive with a close buddy, let them in on the secret. Who knows? They might have their own Universe tales to tell.

10. Trusting the Journey

Sometimes, what we ask for and what the Universe sends our way might look different. But here's a thought: maybe the Universe knows a thing or two we don’t. Just like you'd trust a close friend's advice, even if it's not what you wanted to hear, trust the Universe's wisdom. It might be preparing you for something even grander than you imagined.

11. Wrapping Up with Gratitude

Ending on a note of gratitude is like the cherry on top of our cosmic chat sundae. Regardless of how things pan out, there's always something to be thankful for. It can be as grand as a life-changing event or as simple as that perfect cup of morning coffee. By acknowledging and being thankful, we're sending a message to the Universe, saying, "Hey, I see what you did there, and I appreciate it."

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Nov 22, 2023

Got to start practicing these techniques.


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