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Exploring Life: Thought Provoking Questions We All Wrestle With

Writer: Daniel ChasseauDaniel Chasseau

Ever found yourself staring at the stars and wondering what it's all about? Yeah, me too. I’m just a regular person, like you, trying to make sense of this wild ride called life. So, let’s chat, heart to heart, about some questions that keep us up at night. They are certain thought provoking questions that make you stop and think, really think, about yourself and the world around you.

Thought Provoking Questions
Thought Provoking Questions

What Are Thought-Provoking Questions?

Thought-provoking questions are like keys to hidden doors in our minds. They open up new ways of thinking and help us see things differently. Here’s how you can spot or come up with these amazing questions:

  • Dig Deep: Choose questions that need more than a "yes" or "no." They should make you tell stories or think deeply about the answer.

  • Stay Open: Your question should welcome all sorts of answers. This way, everyone can think in their own unique way.

  • Shake Things Up: Ask questions that make people look at things from new angles or consider ideas they never thought about before.

Questions That Connect Us All

Some questions are like magic spells; they can bring people closer and spark interesting

conversations. Here are a few to try out:

  1. What truly makes you happy?

  2. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and why?

  3. What's one way you've made a difference in someone's life?

  4. Have you ever dreamed of doing something big? What's stopping you?

  5. Do you think it's more important to make new memories or keep the old ones alive? Why?

Chapter 1: The “Why Am I Here?” Conundrum

  • Did I turn left when I should’ve turned right at some point?

  • Is there more to life than my daily routine?

  • Ah, existence. It’s not just philosophers who get to have all the fun. 

Chapter 2: Connecting the Dots – Us, Humans

  • What’s the deal with love making us do crazy things?

  • Ever tried understanding your weird neighbor? It's quite a story...

  • Why do we all feel alone in crowded rooms sometimes?

Chapter 3: Leaving Footprints in the Sand

  • What stories will they tell about me at my 100th birthday party?

  • Are my Insta posts going to save the planet? Spoiler: Probably not.

  • That time I helped someone and it changed both our lives...

Chapter 4: Growing Pains and Gains

  • My most epic fail and what it taught me about life.

  • Success: Is it just about getting that corner office?

  • Why I keep challenging myself to learn new things (like knitting).

Chapter 5: Flipping the Script

  • When I tried seeing things from my grumpy boss’s perspective...

  • Diverse viewpoints: More than just a trendy phrase.

  • Gratitude: Not just for Thanksgiving.

The Midnight Musings

Ever wake up at 3 AM and your brain decides it’s a great time to question your life choices? Happened to me last Tuesday. There I was, staring at the ceiling, thinking about that time I chose career over love. What if I had chosen differently? These late-night thoughts are like uninvited guests at a party, aren't they?

The Laughter Therapy

Here's a thought – why do we take life so seriously? I tried a laughter yoga session last week (yes, it’s a thing!). I laughed until I cried, and it made me wonder why I don't just find more joy in the little things. Like, have you ever watched a dog chase its tail? Pure bliss!

The “Oops” Moments

I’ll confess: I'm the king/queen of awkward moments. Once, I waved at someone I thought I knew, and it turned out to be a total stranger! We’ve all been there, right? It’s these ‘oops’ moments that remind me how beautifully imperfect life is.

The Art of Doing Nothing

In a world obsessed with productivity, I hereby confess: I love doing absolutely nothing. Sometimes, on a Sunday afternoon, I just lie on the grass, watch the clouds, and let my mind wander. It’s in these moments of stillness that I often find the loudest answers.

The Friendship Chronicles

I called an old friend last night, someone I hadn’t spoken to in years. We picked up right where we left off, as if no time had passed. It’s weird how true friendships work like that. They're like comfortable shoes - always there, and they just fit perfectly.

The Beauty of Change

Change scares me. There, I said it. But then I remember that time I moved to a new city and how it changed my life for the better. Embracing change is like diving into a cold pool – a shock at first, but then you get used to it and don't want to get out.

The “What If” Game

I play this game sometimes – the “What if” game. What if I’d been born in a different country? What if I had pursued my dream of being a painter? It’s a fun way to imagine different lives, and it makes me appreciate the unique path I’m on.

What I do with my thought Provoking Questions

Here are 3 things I do with my thought provoking questions:

  1. Journal: I write all my thought provoking questions in a note book and read them in the future for answers to these questions. It's a great way to explore your feelings and ideas.

  2. Talk about it: Talking with friends and family is a good way to get answers to your thought provoking questions. You can click here to join our paid law of attraction group to talk with the people behind subconsciousthinkers and other members.

  3. Meditate: I stay in quiet and listen to myself think about those questions and see if i can get answers from my inner voice.

The End Our Thought Provoking Questions

And there we go – a little peek into my brain’s random musings. I hope reading this was like having a chat with an old friend. Life’s a rollercoaster, and we’re all just trying to enjoy the ride. Keep questioning, keep laughing, and most importantly, keep being your awesome self!

So, what did we learn? Well, I learned that writing all this down is quite therapeutic! But more than that, it’s about the journey, the questions, the laughs, and sometimes the tears. It's about being unapologetically human. 

What about you? What’s your take? Share your stories, your answers, or even better – your questions.

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Apr 05, 2024

This website is fantastic and so informative.I would like to join your community. I have mailed my resume and cover letter. Please take a look.


Apr 02, 2024

Ever since I read this quote, I couldn't get it out of my mind ever since: "Changing the world seems monumentous until the smallest thing changes yours"

And ever since then, I've been more open to allowing myself to engage in what can seem like small meaningless activities with the optimism that it could change someone's life and on the other side of the spectrum, have been more open to allowing small things to change mine - like this one post.

To the author - thank you. No getting rid of me now ❤️


Apr 01, 2024

Those 3 Am conversations does be really hard. But those inner conversations does really make a difference. How would we ever learn or evolve if we never question anything or ourselves. I guess that's why the Matrix loves to keep us busy being busy. So we won't have time to really dive deep into ourselves. But no matter what we would always get that 3 am moment or those moments in the Matrix that just makes us question everything.


Mar 31, 2024

Love this keep them coming


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